
Propagater at Cityscape Dubai

Propagater was at the Cityscape Exhibition and global Real Estate Summit in The World Trade Centre, Dubai this October. The show highlighted the +60% year on year growth of investment in the UAE with the stunning key local and regional pipeline projects. Also interesting was the high visibility and volume of Turkish projects.

Propagater at Cityscape Dubai

Propagater at Cityscape Dubai

Propagater was at the Cityscape Exhibition and Global Real Estate Summit in The World Trade Centre, Dubai this October.  The show highlighted the +60% year on year growth of investment in the UAE with the stunning key local and regional pipeline projects. Also interesting was the high visibility and volume of Turkish projects.

prop·a·gate (prp-gt)

1. To cause (an organism) to multiply or breed. 2. To transmit (characteristics) from one generation to another. 3. To extend to broader areas or larger number; spread. 4. To make widely known; propagate a message.